Japans National High School Baseball Championship at Koshien, Yes Canada, Baseball can be Exciting. 


The Japanese High School National Summer Championship at Koshien Stadium:

Yes, Canada, baseball can be exciting, or How Steppenwolf and Queen Played the Game and Both Came out Winners.  By Keith Wesley Adams


1. (The famous ivy laden entrance wall of Koshien stadium, Osaka Japan. Photo: Keith Adams)


I’m not a big fan of spectator sports. If I watch them I get very excited, make loud noises of joy, shock and disgust, and generally carry on your like your average barbarian, even so, I almost never…

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What a long Strange Trip It's Been 


 This week marks my 20th year in Japan and ten years living in the same house and town--the longest I have ever lived anywhere. As I walked the dog last night and looked up to see the moon behind a cloud shaped much like the map of Canada, especially Quebec, I reflected on my experience.  I realize I have come nowhere near the dreams, goals and aspirations that I set out with. I seem, indeed, astronomically far from them.  Yet, paradoxically I am closer to them than ever.  I have achieved things I never…

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Renewing Your Canadian Citizenship While Abroad 


     Okay, you have renewed you passport, paid your Canadian taxes or submitted your non-residence exemption form, renewed your Japanese visa,but did you know that as an expat you HAVE TO RENEW YOUR CANADIAN CITIZENSHIP while living abroad for more than a year or it is possible to FORFEIT ALL CLAIMS to a full CANADIAN IDENTITY.  Luckily for you there are numerous ways to do so within your new country that will not cost you dear, and ensure that you are a…

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They say it's my birthday, but in Japan it is National Cat Day, due to 2, 22 Nyan Nyan Nyan . Meow! Come on down to the Blarney for a grand party whatever you are celebrating. There will be great music, frothing beers and lovely people from all around the world.

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